Pre-Registration: July 19
Conference: July 20-21
Workshop: July 22
3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference and Workshop
4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Add to Calander 19/07/2020 4:30 PM 19/07/2020 8:30 PM America/Los_Angeles 3rd NATIONAL STUDENT SAFETY & SECURITY CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP 2020 Registration Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders
08:00 - 09:00
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 08:00 20/07/2020 09:00 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Registration & Breakfast Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 09:15
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 09:00 20/07/2020 09:15 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Opening Remarks Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:15 - 10:00
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 09:15 20/07/2020 10:00 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 School Safety: A National Perspective Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:00 - 10:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:00 07/20/2020 10:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Coffee Break Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- School Crime Watch
- Drug-Free Zones
- Gun-Free Zones
- Zero-Tolerance Messages
We accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Gang Apparel & Student Dress Codes
- Mentoring
- Parent Cooperation
We accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Law Enforcement Resources & Presentations
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10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Information Kits & Advisories
- Engaging the Business Sector
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11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Restrictions in Hallways Locker Areas Bathrooms Parking lots
- Cafeteria & Other High-Risk Areas
We accept Purchase Orders -
11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Bullying and Violence Prevention
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11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Prevention and Early Intervention
We accept Purchase Orders -
11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Prevention through Information
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12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 12:00 07/20/2020 01:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Luncheon Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety
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01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- What You Can Do Right Now
- Assessing Threat & Potential Victims
- Exercising the Student Safety Plan
- Reviewing Civil & Criminal Options
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Patrols & Security Systems
- Video Monitoring
- Taking Preemptive Action
- Crime Maps
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Creating a School Safety Who’s Who
- Photo ID Database Including Private Sector Resources
- Dealing with Outside Threats
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Releasing Information
- Media Relations
- Crisis Kits
- Preparing the Lines of Communication
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Legislative Actions
- Town Hall Meetings
- Sharing Best Practices
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Designating Crisis Planning and Crisis Management Teams
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Plan for Natural and Man-Made Disasters
- Trauma-Sensitive Schools
- Standardize Emergency Response Procedures
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Schools
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Campuses
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Activating the Emergency Response Infrastructure
- Warning Signals
- First Response
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Student Complaints
- Protecting targets & Hostages
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Types of Violence
- Survival Techniques
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- News by Cell Phone
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Regaining Control
- Chain of Command
- Emergency Response Routes
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Evacuation Procedures
- School Closings
- Notifying Parents
- Anticipating Escalation
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Overcoming Fear of Returning to Class
- Debriefings
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Victim Needs
- Survivor Needs
- Families of Offenders
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Call-in Lines
- Grief Counseling
- Health Services & Resources
- Statements to Students & Parents
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Academic Support
- Investigation Procedures
- Removing Names
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasReal Cases- Domestic Conflict & Child Abuse, Hostage
- Situation in a Classroom & Responding to a Student in Crisis
- Dealing Effectively with the Media
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasReal Cases- How Do Emergency Communications Work?
- Better Ways of Getting the Message out to Students
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasBest Practices- Conducting School Safety Audits
- Conduct School Safety and Security Threat Assessments
- Create a Threat Assessment Team in the University Environment
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasBest Practices- Incident Specific Protocol
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasLegal Issues- What is Permissible to be Shared with Others without Violating Confidentiality Law?
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasSchool Shooting- Gunman in School & Active Shooter Preparedness
We accept Purchase Orders
08:00 - 09:00
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 08:00 20/07/2020 09:00 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Registration & Breakfast Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 09:15
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 09:00 20/07/2020 09:15 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Opening Remarks Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:15 - 10:00
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 09:15 20/07/2020 10:00 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 School Safety: A National Perspective Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:00 - 10:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:00 07/20/2020 10:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Coffee Break Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- School Crime Watch
- Drug-Free Zones
- Gun-Free Zones
- Zero-Tolerance Messages
We accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Gang Apparel & Student Dress Codes
- Mentoring
- Parent Cooperation
We accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Law Enforcement Resources & Presentations
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10:30 - 11:15
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 10:30 07/20/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Information Kits & Advisories
- Engaging the Business Sector
We accept Purchase Orders -
11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Restrictions in Hallways Locker Areas Bathrooms Parking lots
- Cafeteria & Other High-Risk Areas
We accept Purchase Orders -
11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Bullying and Violence Prevention
We accept Purchase Orders -
11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Prevention and Early Intervention
We accept Purchase Orders -
11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 11:15 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Prevention through Information
We accept Purchase Orders -
12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 12:00 07/20/2020 01:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Luncheon Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPrevention- Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- What You Can Do Right Now
- Assessing Threat & Potential Victims
- Exercising the Student Safety Plan
- Reviewing Civil & Criminal Options
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Patrols & Security Systems
- Video Monitoring
- Taking Preemptive Action
- Crime Maps
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Creating a School Safety Who’s Who
- Photo ID Database Including Private Sector Resources
- Dealing with Outside Threats
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Releasing Information
- Media Relations
- Crisis Kits
- Preparing the Lines of Communication
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Legislative Actions
- Town Hall Meetings
- Sharing Best Practices
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Designating Crisis Planning and Crisis Management Teams
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Plan for Natural and Man-Made Disasters
- Trauma-Sensitive Schools
- Standardize Emergency Response Procedures
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Schools
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasPreparedness- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Campuses
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Activating the Emergency Response Infrastructure
- Warning Signals
- First Response
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Student Complaints
- Protecting targets & Hostages
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Types of Violence
- Survival Techniques
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- News by Cell Phone
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Regaining Control
- Chain of Command
- Emergency Response Routes
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasResponse- Evacuation Procedures
- School Closings
- Notifying Parents
- Anticipating Escalation
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Overcoming Fear of Returning to Class
- Debriefings
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Victim Needs
- Survivor Needs
- Families of Offenders
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Call-in Lines
- Grief Counseling
- Health Services & Resources
- Statements to Students & Parents
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasRecovery- Academic Support
- Investigation Procedures
- Removing Names
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasReal Cases- Domestic Conflict & Child Abuse, Hostage
- Situation in a Classroom & Responding to a Student in Crisis
- Dealing Effectively with the Media
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasReal Cases- How Do Emergency Communications Work?
- Better Ways of Getting the Message out to Students
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasBest Practices- Conducting School Safety Audits
- Conduct School Safety and Security Threat Assessments
- Create a Threat Assessment Team in the University Environment
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasBest Practices- Incident Specific Protocol
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasLegal Issues- What is Permissible to be Shared with Others without Violating Confidentiality Law?
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calander 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Concurrent Breakout Session Las VegasSchool Shooting- Gunman in School & Active Shooter Preparedness
We accept Purchase Orders
08:00 - 09:00
Add to Calander 20/07/2020 08:00 20/07/2020 09:00 America/Los_Angeles Northwest Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Registration & Breakfast Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 12:30
Add to Calander 07/22/2020 09:00 07/22/2020 12:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Learn How To Plan Las Vegas- Make everyone a stakeholder
- Spell out roles and responsibilities
We accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 12:30
Add to Calander 07/22/2020 09:00 07/22/2020 12:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Protect Your School Las Vegas- Know Your Resources
- Test them Against Your Toughest Scenarios
We accept Purchase Orders -
12:30 - 01:30
Add to Calander 07/22/2020 12:30 07/22/2020 01:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Luncheon Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:30 - 05:00
Add to Calander 07/22/2020 01:30 07/22/2020 05:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Know How To Respond Las Vegas- Recognize Problems Earlier
- Make the Right Decisions Faster
We accept Purchase Orders -
01:30 - 05:00
Add to Calander 07/22/2020 01:30 07/22/2020 05:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Plan To Continue Las Vegas- Keep the Learning Process Alive
We accept Purchase Orders
Check out what top news outlets have to say
NSSSC-2019, Las Vegas, NV, November 20-22, 2019
What Attendees are Saying ?
Check out what top news outlets have to say
NSSSC-2018, Las Vegas, NV, November 28-30, 2018
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3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020
The 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference and Workshop will be held on July 19-22, 2020 and will feature real-world simulations of community response to school shootings and related tragedies.
It is the national event to invite leaders representing every sector of society to model a community process to help stamp out all forms of school violence, including shootings, bullying, dating violence, vandalism, gang activity, and catastrophic events such as school massacres.
In addition, special workshops will examine latest community resources to fight teenage suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and aggressive driving among high school and college students.
Compelling case studies will be presented over the 3 days of the conference, offering new important findings on headline-grabbing incidents of school violence, their cost to society, and how they have impacted local prevention, preparedness, response and recovery processes.
The tabletop exercises, skillfully moderated by risk communicators, will encourage extended audience participation and explore effective methods of communication, coordination and collaboration at the local level.
Role-Playing Topics Include:
Response: Activating the emergency response infrastructure, warning signals, student complaints, first response, protecting targets and hostages, types of violence, survival techniques, news by cell phone, regaining control, chain of command, emergency response routes, evacuation procedures, school closings, notifying parents, anticipating escalation, law enforcement information sharing, medical procedures, dealing with the media, reaction on the Internet.
Recovery: Overcoming fear of returning to class, debriefings, victim needs, survivor needs, families of offenders, call-in lines, grief counseling, health services and resources, statements to students and parents, academic support, investigation procedures, removing names, funerals and anniversaries, signals for closure, how to orient new students and their families.
Prevention: School Crime Watch, drug-free zones, gun-free zones, Zero-tolerance messages, gang apparel and student dress codes, mentoring, parent cooperation, law enforcement resources and presentations, information kits and advisories, engaging the business sector, restrictions in hallways, locker areas, bathrooms, parking lots, cafeteria and other high-risk areas.
Preparedness: What you can do right now, assessing threat and potential victims, designating crisis planning and crisis management teams, exercising the student safety plan, reviewing civil and criminal options, patrols and security systems, video monitoring, crime maps, creating a school safety who’s who, photo ID database, including private sector resources, dealing with outside threats, media relations, legislative actions, town hall meetings, releasing information, crisis kits, preparing the lines of communication, sharing best practices, taking preemptive action.
Topics To Be Covered In This Timely 3-Day Event Include:
- School Safety: A National Perspective
- Overview of Campus Violence: Stats, Reports & Studies
- Assessing the Threats: Security & Safety Risk Assessment In Campuses
- Reviewing Campus Security Infrastructure
- Preventing Violence By Making Your University A Place of Safety & Nurturing
- Preventing Violence By Bringing Help to Troubled Students
- Creating Solid Yet Flexible Emergency Response Plans
- Emergency Management Team
- Testing Your Emergency Response Plans
- Responding To An Actual Violent Crisis
- Crisis Communication
- Calling In Emergency Management Experts
- Lockdowns
- Legal Issues
- Case Studies: Learning From the Tough Times to Draw Up Solid Plans
- Recovering From A Crisis
- Dealing With The Constraints
In response to the nationwide alarm over youth violence in our schools, the National Student Safety & Security Conference and Workshop Conference invites high school and university administrators, campus security officers, mental health professionals, emergency management experts, first responders and law enforcers, as well other experts to meet July 19-20, 2020 in Las Vegas. Our purpose is to create an ad hoc multi-sector crisis management consortium during the event, to be studied as a model by communities around the country.
Speakers will help attendees develop effective action plans that are unique to their own communities and engage the widest range of local stakeholders to make our high schools and college campuses safe and secure — the way learning environments really should be.
The National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop is organized by Nordtree, Inc., Virginia, international specialists in emergency planning events and disaster recovery conferences.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Concurrent Breakout Session #1
- School Crime Watch
- Drug-Free Zones
- Gun-Free Zones
- Zero-Tolerance Messages
Concurrent Breakout Session #2
- Gang Apparel & Student Dress Codes
- Mentoring
- Parent Cooperation
Concurrent Breakout Session #3
- Law Enforcement Resources & Presentations
Concurrent Breakout Session #4
- Information Kits & Advisories
- Engaging the Business Sector
Concurrent Breakout Session #5
- Restrictions in Hallways Locker Areas Bathrooms Parking lots
- Cafeteria & Other High-Risk Areas
Concurrent Breakout Session #6
- Bullying and Violence Prevention
Concurrent Breakout Session #7
- Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Prevention and Early Intervention
Concurrent Breakout Session #8
- Prevention through Information
Concurrent Breakout Session #9
- Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety
Concurrent Breakout Session #10
- What You Can Do Right Now
- Assessing Threat & Potential Victims
- Exercising the Student Safety Plan
- Reviewing Civil & Criminal Options
Concurrent Breakout Session #11
- Patrols & Security Systems
- Video Monitoring
- Taking Preemptive Action
- Crime Maps
Concurrent Breakout Session #12
- Creating a School Safety Who’s Who
- Photo ID Database Including Private Sector Resources
- Dealing with Outside Threats
Concurrent Breakout Session #13
- Releasing Information
- Media Relations
- Crisis Kits
- Preparing the Lines of Communication
Concurrent Breakout Session #14
- Legislative Actions
- Town Hall Meetings
- Sharing Best Practices
Concurrent Breakout Session #15
- Designating Crisis Planning and Crisis Management Teams
Concurrent Breakout Session #16
- Plan for Natural and Man-Made Disasters
- Trauma-Sensitive Schools
- Standardize Emergency Response Procedures
Concurrent Breakout Session #17
- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Schools
Concurrent Breakout Session #18
- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Campuses
Concurrent Breakout Session #19
- Activating the Emergency Response Infrastructure
- Warning Signals
- First Response
Concurrent Breakout Session #20
- Student Complaints
- Protecting targets & Hostages
Concurrent Breakout Session #21
- Types of Violence
- Survival Techniques
Concurrent Breakout Session #22
- News by Cell Phone
Concurrent Breakout Session #23
- Regaining Control
- Chain of Command
- Emergency Response Routes
Concurrent Breakout Session #24
- Evacuation Procedures
- School Closings
- Notifying Parents
- Anticipating Escalation
Concurrent Breakout Session #25
- Law Enforcement Information Sharing
- Medical Procedures
- Dealing with the Media
- Reaction on the Internet
Concurrent Breakout Session #26
- Building a School-Based Crisis Team
Concurrent Breakout Session #27
- Media Relations Crisis
- Communications and News & Information
Concurrent Breakout Session #28
- Campus Emergency Response Team Program
Concurrent Breakout Session #29
- Incident Command System: The Transition From Routine Day to Day Operations to Effective Management Control
Concurrent Breakout Session #30
- Overcoming Fear of Returning to Class
- Debriefings
Concurrent Breakout Session #31
- Victim Needs
- Survivor Needs
- Families of Offenders
Concurrent Breakout Session #32
- Call-in Lines
- Grief Counseling
- Health Services & Resources
- Statements to Students & Parents
Concurrent Breakout Session #33
- Academic Support
- Investigation Procedures
- Removing Names
Concurrent Breakout Session #34
- Funerals & Anniversaries
- Signals for Closure
- How to Orient New Students & their Families
Concurrent Breakout Session #35
- Working with Students Families Staff Friends and the School Community
Concurrent Breakout Session #36
- School Site Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Members/Roles
Concurrent Breakout Session #37
- Planning for Recovery in the Preparedness Phase & How to Keep the Learning Process Alive
Concurrent Breakout Session #38
- Providing Stress Management During Class Time
Concurrent Breakout Session #39
Real Cases
- Improving Student Safety
- Dealing with Rumors and/or Acts of Vandalism That Might Precede Incidents
Concurrent Breakout Session #40
Real Cases
- Step-by-Step Process on How to Get Community & Government Officials Involved into Supporting Crisis Response Team
Concurrent Breakout Session #41
Real Cases
- Mechanical Accidents/Disasters
- School Bus Safety & Security
Concurrent Breakout Session #42
Real Cases
- Drills and Exercises Using Best Practices
- Bomb Threats, Suicide, Community Violence
Concurrent Breakout Session #43
Real Cases
- Domestic Conflict & Child Abuse, Hostage
- Situation in a Classroom & Responding to a Student in Crisis
- Dealing Effectively with the Media
Concurrent Breakout Session #44
Real Cases
- Gunman in School
Concurrent Breakout Session #45
Real Cases
- How Do Emergency Communications Work?
- Better Ways of Getting the Message out to Students
Concurrent Breakout Session #46
Best Practices
- Conducting School Safety Audits
- Conduct School Safety and Security Threat Assessments
- Create a Threat Assessment Team in the University Environment
Concurrent Breakout Session #47
Best Practices
- Setting and Enforcing Standards
Concurrent Breakout Session #48
Best Practices
- Incident Specific Protocol
Concurrent Breakout Session #49
Legal Issues
- What is Permissible to be Shared with Others without Violating Confidentiality Law?
School Shooting
- Gunman in School & Active Shooter Preparedness
Who should Attend this Conference?
- Chief of Police, Fire, EMS
- Crisis Team Manager
- Dean of Students
- Director of Facilities
- Director of Public Safety Services
- Law Enforcement Officers
- Prevention Specialists
- Safe and Drug-Free Coordinators
- School Board Members
- School Health Educators
- School Nurses
- School Principals and Administrators
- School Psychologists
- School Resource Officers
- School Security Personnel
- School Social Workers
- Student Affairs
- Teachers
- University Police